
Only The Best-Educated Humans Can And Will Compete With Machines

The Robot Economy: Will Machines Take Your Job by 2025?

How To Prepare? "Only the best-educated humans will compete with machines," said Howard Rheingold, an Internet sociologist and self-employed writer, consultant and educator. "And education systems in the U.S. and much of the rest of the world are still sitting students in rows and columns, teaching them to keep quiet and memorize what [they are told], preparing them for life in a 20th-century factory," Rheingold said.

Will robots take our jobs? Experts can't decide

One thing many experts agreed on was the need for education to prepare for a post-automation world. “Only the best-educated humans will compete with machines,” said internet sociologist Howard Rheingold.

Smart robots might be coming for our jobs

Careers most affected will include X-ray technicians, factory workers and news writer jobs.

However, those in creative fields are safest, along with those jobs that require critical thinking and the ability to make quick judgment calls.

Although robots will take over in a variety of fields, human jobs will focus more about building and maintaining the robotic workforce, along with other career paths we have not thought of yet. So it's possible that although some jobs will be lost, new ones will appear.

Pew! Pew! Robots Will Be in Our Workplaces by 2025, but Will We? An Oxford study last year concluded that 45 percent of U.S. jobs could be automated within the next two decades.

Finally, from what we’ll call the “other good point” column, Stanford consulting associate professor Paul Saffo reminds us: “The largest impact of these systems is not on the jobs eliminated, but the jobs never created to begin with because they were born digital. Worry less about losing your current job and more about the job you will never be offered in the future because it was designed to be done by a ’bot from the very start.'”

Robots Could Take Over Even the Boss's Job

  • A transformation of labor, especially in the fields of transportation, fast food and medicine.
  • The accelerating shift of work to machines that can boost productivity and cut costs.
  • A shrinking of the middle class and expansion of the ranks of the unemployed.
  • Creation of new types of work requiring uniquely human capabilities.
  • Freedom from day-to-day drudgery that allows people to define work in a more positive and socially beneficial way.

AI, Robotics, and the Future of Jobs

Robots will stay in the back seat in the second machine age But the world is not ready to give up on human labour. Humanity is entering a second machine age. The first, spurred by the industrial revolution, was mechanical; this one is digital. The first augmented our muscles; the second, our minds.

Which human skills will still be in demand? We have yet to see a truly creative computer, or an innovative or entrepreneurial one. Nor have we seen a piece of digital gear that could unite people behind a common cause, or comfort a sick child with a gentle caress and knowing smile. And robots are still nowhere near able to repair a bridge or furnace, or care for a frail or injured person.

People will have important roles to play in the second machine age. But the difficulty many companies have in finding the employees they need up and down the skills ladder shows that our education systems are not keeping pace.

Before resigning ourselves to an era of mass unemployment, let us ensure that we are giving our people the skills they need to work alongside the astonishing technologies we are developing. Instead of assuming that human workers are marginalised, or that technology can never destroy jobs, let us instead work to give humans the tools and environment they need to thrive.

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