
Understanding Neural Net Module with Lua/Torch

date: 2016-02-17


module is an abstract class which defines fundamental methods necessary for training a neural network. All modules are serializable.

modules contain two states variables: output and gradInput.

Understanding back-propagation

For really understanding back-propagation, a good reference is http://neuralnetworksanddeeplearning.com/chap2.html

Other good references (though written in Python) are: http://iamtrask.github.io/2015/07/12/basic-python-network/


[output] forward(input)

Takes an input object, and computes the corresponding output of the module.

After a forward(), the output state variable should have been updated to the new state.

We do NOT override this function. Instead, we implement updateOutput(input) function. The forward module in the abstract parent class module will call updateOutput(input).

[gradInput] backward(input, gradOutput)

Performs a backpropagation step through the module, w.r.t. the given input.

A backpropagation step consists of computing two kind of gradients at input given gradOutput (gradients w.r.t. the output of the module). This function simply performs this task using two function calls:

  1. a function call to updateGradInput(input, gradOutput)
  2. a function call to accGradParameters(input, gradOutput)

We do NOT override this function call. We override updateGradInput(input, gradOutput) and accGradParameters(input, gradOutput) functions.

[output] updateOutput(input, gradOutput)

When defining a new module, this method should be overloaded.

Computes the output using the current parameter set of the class and input. This function returns the result which is stored in the output field.

[gradInput] updateGradInput(input, gradOutput)

When defining a new module, this method should be overloaded.

Computes the gradient of the module w.r.t. its own input. This is returned in gradInput. Also, the gradInput state variable is updated accordingly.

[gradInput] accGradParameters(input, gradOutput)

When defining a new module, this method should be overloaded, if the module has trainable parameters.

Computes the gradient of the module w.r.t. its own parameters. Many modules do NOT perform this step as they do NOT have any trainable parameters. The module is expected to accumulate the gradients w.r.t. the **trainable parameters` in some variables.

Zeroing this accumulation is achieved with zeroGradParameters() and updating the trainable parameters according to this accumulation is done with updateParameters().

New Module Class Template

The following is an empty holder for a typical new class using torch.class:

require 'torch'
local NewClass, Parent = torch.class('nn.NewClass', 'nn.Module')

function NewClass:__init()

function NewClass:updateOutput(input)

function NewClass:updateGradInput(input, gradOutput)

function NewClass:accGradParameters(input, gradOutput)

function NewClass:reset()

Testing Correctness

When writing modules with gradient estimation, it's always very important to test your implementation. This can be easily done using the Jacobian class provided in nn, which compares the implementation of the gradient methods (updateGradInput() and accGradParameters()) with the Jacobian matrix obtained by finite differences (perturbating the input of the module, and estimating the deltas on the output). This can be done like this:

-- parameters
local precision = 1e-5
local jac = nn.Jacobian

-- define inputs and module
local ini = math.random(10,20)
local inj = math.random(10,20)
local ink = math.random(10,20)
local percentage = 0.5
local input = torch.Tensor(ini,inj,ink):zero()
local module = nn.Dropout(percentage)

-- test backprop, with Jacobian
local err = jac.testJacobian(module,input)
print('==> error: ' .. err)
if err<precision then
   print('==> module OK')
   print('==> error too large, incorrect implementation')

One slight issue with the Jacobian class is the fact that it assumes that the outputs of a module are deterministic w.r.t. the inputs. This is not the case for that particular module, so for the purpose of these tests we need to freeze the noise generation, i.e. do it only once:

-- we overload the updateOutput() function to generate noise only
-- once for the whole test.
function nn.Dropout.updateOutput(self, input)
   self.noise = self.noise or torch.rand(input:size()) -- uniform noise between 0 and 1
   self.noise:add(1 - self.p):floor()  -- a percentage of noise
   return self.output

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