Subsets of Algorithms and Data Structures, and More

These notes mainly serves as my external memory and practicing space when studying algorithms.

I'm now training myself proficient in C/C++, Lua, Python. My current focus is on numerical programming with C++.

The C++ for numerical programming is based [Numerical Recipes].

The Python part is based on [Data Structures and Algorithms in Python], with OOP in mind.


All my external knowledge is stored in EverNote with Markdown & LaTeX support. After editing, I port it into GitBook. I tried to build the whole notetaking system with Jupyter notebooks, but failed due to the lack of hierarchy and global search functionality.

Resource Collection


Algorithm Visualizer

Data Structure and Algorithm. leetcode/lintcode, algorithm GitBook, in Chinese

Leetcode solutions

ACM cheat sheet, C, C++, Java

The Algorithm Design Manual and Repository, Steven Skiena,

Problem Solving with Algorithms and Data Structures Using Python

VisualGo, visualising data structures and algorithms through animation

PyAlgoViz, Python algo visualization

Algorithm and data visualization, Mike Bostock

Data Structures and Algorithms with Python, book and code, Kent Lee


Common data structure and algorithms in Python and Java, Geek view


Solutions to Elements of Programming Interviews: 300 Questions and Solutions,, C++

Everything you need to kick ass on your coding interview, Github list

LintCode, Online, C, Java, Python

LeetCode Online Judge

LeetCode with Python explanation

Video Course

Teaching Tree

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